Publishing history
Edited by Ed Pinsent
Published in London Winter 1987
44 pp, A5 size, plain white cover, no cover price
Cover: Hollis Dill (i.e. Glenn Dakin)
2: Contents (illo by Harley Richardson)
3-5: ‘An Astorial Anecdote’ by Ed Pinsent
6-7: ‘Kato Loco’ by Hollis Dill
8: ‘Mediate (part one)’ by Luke Walsh
9-11: ‘Captain Maroon’ by Harley Richardson
12-13: ‘Shells’ by Phil Laskey
14: ‘Mediate (part two)’ by Luke Walsh
15-18: ‘The Satan Clause’ by Tom Tiffin
19-20: ‘Heads’ by Leo Eze
21: ‘Mediate (part three)’ by Luke Walsh
22-23: ‘Kato Loco’ by Hollis Dill
24-27: ‘Botts Common’ by Merv Grist
28: ‘Mediate (part four)’ by Luke Walsh
29-33: ‘The Running Boy of Hagatha’ by Denny Derbyshire
34: ‘Mediate (part five)’ by Luke Walsh
35-42: ‘Stag’ by Mark Robinson
43: ‘Mediate (part six)’ by Luke Walsh
Back cover: Hollis Dill (i.e. Glenn Dakin)
- The covers were simply blow-ups of panel details by Dakin, rather than original images.
- First appearances by Richardson, Walsh, Eze, Robinson and Merv Grist.
- Harley Richardson became my Fast Fiction co-worker at the Westminster Comic Fairs and remains a close friend to this day. He was in his teens when he drew Captain Maroon.
- Luke Walsh was a Liverpool artist who published Appletown and later ran the ZUM! small press service. His father, Sam Walsh, taught me at Liverpool Art College.
- Leo Eze, also called Eze Chimalio, was an extraordinary fellow who amazed and baffled me on his rare visits to my London flat. He published his visionary, poetic comics in Paraffin.
- Mark Robinson was a cartoonist from Cardiff, who impressed me with his self-published Bang! Comic; he managed to pastiche Golden Age and pulp illustration styles and still retain a unique sense of humour. ‘Stag’ shows influence of 1950s he-men magazine illustration. Later in the early 1990s, we would collaborate on our Superman tribute comic.
- Merv Grist is a unique small press artist whose work is rightly remembered by all with great fondness.