Publishing history
Edited by Ed Pinsent
Published in London 1989
32 pp, A5 size, pink card cover, no cover price
Cover: Ed Pinsent
2: Contents (illo by Paul George)
3-7: ‘A Meal with Bill & Jill McNeal’ by Bob Lynch
8-9: ‘Sun City’ by Carol Swain
10-12: ‘A Bedtime yarn’ by Tom Tiffin
13-16: ‘Great Moments in the Mongolian Film Musical’ by Merv Grist
17-20: ‘An Astorial Anecdote’ by Ed Pinsent
21-26: ‘The Carpenter’s Apprentice’ by Denny Derbyshire
27-31: ‘Frosty’ by John Miller
Back cover: ‘Electric Tower Transmission’ by Chris Reynolds