New Astorial – The Building Trade

The third comic from the original Astorial Stories series of 1986, now with added colours. The Building Trade features the character of Tom the Builder, at work on the exterior of the Hotel, apparently carrying out repairs and works all by himself, apart from the interventions of a well-meaning but ineffectual foreman. And of course…

Astorial Stories in Colour

Continuing my plan to add colour to some of my stories, here are the first two Astorial Stories books now with added colours. The third story, The Building Trade, is also coloured – just not sent to the printer yet. I’m planning to complete all five mini-comics from the original series, plus The Floating Dan…

Astorial Cutaway mini-comic

This just arrived. Drawn earlier this month, after a discussion with publisher Tom Murphy in November last year. That’s more like it – I mean the speed of delivery which is something I like about the small press (in the 1980s, Fast Fiction really was aiming to be fast). Colossive Press has this unique range…

Astorial Compendium Vol II

Astorial Compendium Volume II This volume reprints and collects pretty much all the Astorial Stories I could find for the period 1987-2009, set in the imaginary Astorial Hotel. Some of them first appeared in Fast Fiction magazine and other small press publications. Where Volume I explores space and depth inside impossibly large rooms, the stories…

The evolution of a cover drawing

I’m quite pleased with the cover drawing to this recent Astorial Compendium book. It depicts Tamblyn The Secret Architect dashing through the corridors of the imaginary Astorial Hotel. But the scale, the proportions, and the perspective, are all wrong – no building like this could possibly exist, and no human being could possibly be running…

New Astorial Compendium!

Astorial Compendium published December 2021 A collection of all-new Astorial Stories, set in the imaginary Astorial Hotel. This collection revisits a number of stories I wrote in 1992 for other artists to draw. Since that project didn’t turn out as planned, I recently revisited the scripts and drew them up myself, thus resulting in five…

Five Astorial Stories

Here you can download a PDF containing all five of the original Astorial Stories. This is one of many books formerly available on Scribd. Download Astorial PDF (44 MB) These five stories were written and drawn fairly quickly over a few months in 1986. I had just moved to London and was finding the experience…

Another new “Astorial Is Astral” story

Fremantle and The Astorial Apes Here’s a brand new Astorial story from July 2009. It features Arthur Fremantle in his younger days. To see him as an older man, read Fremantle and The Faceless One. The pages you see here were shot with a camera from the original art, which is why some straight lines…