Club Dog 1987

As mentioned recently, here’s my Club Dog drawing for City Limits magazine from March 1987. Somehow, I found this image was being reproduced by the club owners on their flyers, without my permission. I think I even saw one of them, and was struck by what an amateurish job they had done. I telephoned Savage…


Here’s a drawing by me of Forbush-Man from 1994. This was for a UK small-press publication edited by Darryl Cunningham, where independent artists were invited to draw a sketch of their favourite Marvel Comics character. (You can see a scan of the cover in this gallery.) I don’t say this is a particularly good drawing,…

Drawing for The Ash Tree

In 1988 I worked with Savage Pencil on a series of drawings for The Ash Tree, the ghost story by M.R. James. The work was commissioned by the editors of Escape magazine and appeared in Escape 17 (the “Spellbound” issue) in 1989. This was one of the smaller spot-illustrations; the main event was a grisly…

Burdened Man

Undated ink and pencil drawing (many years old) retrieved from the files. Gouache layers added in August 2013.